Sunday, 30 November 2014

The best things in life are unseen

The best things in life are unseen. That's why we close our eyes when we kiss, laugh and dream

the best things in life are unseen quote

The best things in life are unseen

The best things in life are unseen. That’s why we close our eyes when we kiss, laugh and dream

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Losers visualize the penalties of failure.

Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success.

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Develop success from failures

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. - Dale Carnegie

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Every great dream begins with a dreamer

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. - Harriet Tubman

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The difference between a successful person and others

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. - Vince Lombardi

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Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Thanksgiving is a Time to Be Grateful

Thanksgiving is a Time to Be Grateful And To Think About All the Special People.. Who Have Touched Our Lives

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Not what we say about our blessings

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. – W. T. Purkiser

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Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday.

Thanksgiving is an emotional holiday. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they only see once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often.

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Happy memories, Happy times

Happy memories, Happy times, Happy moments These I wish for you to enjoy with your loved ones on Thanksgiving Day

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Be joyful always, pray continually,

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

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Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year

Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.- Edward Sandford Martin

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Thanksgiving is one of my favourite days of the year

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are. - Joyce Giraud

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Thursday, 13 November 2014

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

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Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly

Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset – Francis de Sales

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There’s no such thing as an ideal realtionship

There’s no such thing as an ideal realtionship. It’s how two people deal with the imperfections of a realtionship that make it deal.

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Wednesday, 12 November 2014

The only way you may correct the bad things

The only way you may correct the bad things in your past is to add better things to your future – Shiloh Morrison

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When Mind Is Weak, Situation turns into Problem.

When Mind Is Weak, Situation turns into Problem.! When Mind is Balanced, Situation is a Challenge.! When Mind is Strong, Situation becomes Opportunity.

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Monday, 10 November 2014

'Don't walk behind me; I may not lead..

Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend

'Don't walk behind me; I may not lead

Hold a true friend and don't let go

Hold a true friend and don't let go for a true friend comes once in a lifetime.

Hold a true friend and don't let go

No One Can Be Friends After Being Lovers..

No one can be friends After being Lovers But if they are friends again after being lovers they are the best friends

No One Can Be Friends After Being LoversNo One Can Be Friends After Being Lovers

Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest...

Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest... It's about who came, and never left your side

Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest

Sometimes talking to your best friend is the only...

Sometimes talking to your best friend quoteSometimes talking to your best friend

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Friday, 7 November 2014

Life is an echo

Life is an echo. What you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exists in you. Remember, life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So give goodness.

Life is an echo quote

People will hate you, rate you, shake you..

People will hate you, rate you, shake you and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you.

People will hate you, rate you, shake you

Quiet people have the loudest minds

Quiet people have the loudest minds

- Stephen Hawking

Quiet people have the loudest minds Quote

“Forget all the reasons why it won't work

Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will

“Forget all the reasons why it won't work

There are things you don't want to happen..

There are things you don't want to happen, but you have to accept it. There are things you don't want to know, but you have to learn them and there are people you can't live without, but you have to let them go.

There are things you don't want to happen, quote

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

One great lesson I learned from my life..

One great lesson I learned from my life..there is no market for your emotions, so never advertise your feelings, just show your attitude.

- Nishan Panwar.

Lesson of time - Karma

When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird had died, ants eat it. One tree can be made into a million matchsticks, but only one matchstick is needed to burn a million trees.
Circumstances can change at anytime. Don't devalue or hurt anyone in this life. You may be powerful today but time is more powerful than you.

Lesson of time - karma quote

Thanks to those who love me, you made me a stronger

Thanks to those who loved me,
you made me a stronger person.

Thanks to those who envied me,
you made my heart grow fonder.

Thanks to those who cared,
you made me feel important.

Thanks to those who entered my life,
you made me who i am today.

Thanks to those who left,
you showed me that not everything is forever.

A Million Thanks to those who stayed,
you showed me true meaning of

love and friendship

Thanks Quote

Human beings are work in progress

Human Beings Are Works In Progress That Mistakenly Think They’re Finished

- Daniel Gilbert

Human beings are work in progress

If egg is broken by outside force...

If an egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside

If egg is broken by outside force...

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Charlie Chaplin thought about friendship

By seeing my friends smile, i forgot my tears; by seeing my friends tears, i forgot my smile.

Charlie Chaplin's thought about friendship

We are two of a kind we do silly things

we are two of a kind.
we do silly things which only you and i know what they mean.
we share our pain.
we laugh together.
and when times get tough
we are there for each other.

we are two of a kind we do silly things quote

A friend will ask you if you are okay..

A friend will ask you if you are okay,
But a best friend will listen and comfort you

 A friend will ask you if you are okay quote

True friends will have not any reason..

True friends will not have any reason for their friendship. So it can never be broken when they don't find that reason


True friends cry when you leave..

true friend cry when you leave quote

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love

The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.


Greatest Healing Therapy Quote

Monday, 3 November 2014

Don't put the key to your happiness ..

Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - keep it in your own

Don't put the key to your happiness

People are going to talk, whether you’re doing bad

People are going to talk, whether you’re doing bad or good. Worry about your self before you worry about what others think.

People are going to talk

Keep Smiling and one day life will...

Keep smiling. and one day life will get tired of upsetting you

Keep Smiling  quote

I smile because..

  • I smile because I have survived everything the world has thrown at me.

  • I smile because when I was knocked down, I got back up.

  • I smile to show those that thought I was weak, that I am stronger than they ever believed.

  • I smile because it says that I am in control of me and that is a power that I refuse to give up

  • I smile because knowing all that does in fact give me peace and make me happy


The first ingredient for happiness

The first ingredient for happiness is to avoid too much lengthy meditation on the past.

- Andre Maurois

The first ingredient for happiness quote

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Every single thing that has ever happened in your life..

Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.


Nobody has a perfect life.

Nobody has a perfect life. Everybody has their own problems. Some people just know how to deal with it in a perfect way.

Nobody has a perfect lifeNobody has a perfect life

Work for a cause, not for applause

Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express and not for impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt

Work for a Cause Quote Image

A Meaningful Life is not being rich..

A Meaningful Life is not being rich, being
popular, being highly educated or
being perfect.
It Is about being real, being humble,
being strong and being able to share
ourselves and touch the lives of others.
It Is only then that we could have a
full, happy and contented life.

A meaningful life quote image

The best things in life are the people

The best things in life are the people you love, the places you've seen, and the memories you've made along the way.

Best things in life quote

The secret of life

The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times - Paulo Coelho

TQuote by Paulo Coelho: “The secret of life, though, is to fall ...

Life is 10% what happens to you

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll

Quote by Charles R. Swindoll Quotes: "Life is 10% what happens to you

Life isn't about getting and having

Life isn't about getting and having, it's about giving and being - Kevin Kruse

Life isn't about getting and having

If you do what you need, you’re surviving...

If you do what you need, you’re surviving. If you do what you want, you’re living.

If you do what you need image quote

The most important thing in life

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

- Morrie Schwartz

Quote by Morrie Schwartz: The most important thing